Conference of Scottish Local Dental Committees

Friday 25 April 2025

The Conference of Scottish Local Dental Committees will be held on Friday 25 April 2025 at the Stirling Court Hotel. We look forward to welcoming delegates hear our speakers, engage in debate and vote on motions.

Welcome to the Conference of Scottish Local Dental Committees website

I can’t quite believe it is time for Lindsay to step down and for me to take over as Chair. I would like to thank and congratulate him for chairing two very successful conferences.

It’s privilege to hold this position for the next two years and I am very fortunate to have Hazel Hannigan as Chair Elect and a wonderful, supportive conference agenda committee.

Many of you may know me from other committees, but for those who don’t, I qualified from Glasgow University in 2008 and have worked in Ayrshire and Arran and Glasgow before settling and buying a practice in Lanarkshire in 2016. I’m an ordinary GDP, working very much at the coalface of NHS dentistry. I understand the crisis we are in, I understand that things need to change if the NHS dental service in Scotland is to not only survive but thrive.

For many years my passion has been Lanarkshire LDC and I took over as chair earlier this year. The support that committees such as this provide GDPs is invaluable.

A silver lining of the covid pandemic has been the reformation of previously dissolved LDCs. This is such an important step to ensure equal and complete representation across Scotland.

I am very much looking forward to working with these LDCs and all LDCs across Scotland over the next two years. I encourage all LDCs to send delegates to conference as we need to hear your views, so that issues can be raised with Scottish Government.

I understand that dental politics can be quite a minefield, there are so many acronyms and it can be difficult to piece together how committees link into each other. I would therefore encourage young LDCs or new committee members to reach out to the Conference Agenda Committee as we would be happy to attend your LDC meeting and answer any questions or queries about conference.

I look forward to welcoming you all to the 2025 conference, and as always, the sunshine is ordered.


Christina Ferry: Chair of the Conference of Scottish Local Dental Committees, 2023-2025