2024 Motions

1. Increased capitation for over 65’s

This Conference calls for an urgent review of and increase in the additional support needs capitation payment for registered patients in the 65+ age group.

Greater Glasgow & Clyde LDC

Passed by conference by majority 
Passed by SDPC

2. Enhanced Domiciliary Care Crisis

This Conference demands that Scottish Government address the crisis in domiciliary care provision through immediate review of Determination 1 changes, and reinstatement of appropriate reimbursement for the additional time and skill required to properly care for these complex patients to allow the service to remain viable.

Greater Glasgow & Clyde LDC and Lanarkshire LDC

The wording of the motion was amended and approved by conference 

Passed by conference unanimously
Passed by SDPC

3. NHS Pension FAQ

The conference calls on Scottish Government, PSD and SPPA to work together to produce an FAQ in relation to the NHS pension scheme.

Ayrshire & Arran LDC

Passed by conference unanimously 
Passed by SDPC

4. Digital Allowance Payment

This Conference calls for financial support for digital technologies through the creation of a digital allowance payment to assist NHS practices to purchase and maintain digital equipment such as digital scanners, and associated software and hardware, to enable them to reduce their environmental footprint whilst maintaining the quality of patient care expected by NHS patients.

Greater Glasgow & Clyde LDC

Passed by conference by majority 
Passed by SDPC

5. Extension to Golden Hello Areas

This Conference calls for an increase in the number of designated areas where associates can get ‘golden hellos’ and other incentives for buying or setting up practices in order to improve access to NHS dentistry.

Greater Glasgow & Clyde LDC

Passed by conference by majority 
Passed by SDPC

6. Increase in CPDA

This Conference demands an increase in Continuous Professional Development Allowance to 10 sessions per year. *(P)

Greater Glasgow & Clyde LDC

(*(P) – existing Scottish Dental Practice Committee (SDPC) policy )

Passed by conference by majority 
Passed by SDPC

7. LDC Levy Opt-Out

The conference believes that to support local and national negotiation at a time of significant dental challenges, the Local Dental Committee levy on NHS schedules should be an ‘opt out’ for all lists. *(P)

Forth Valley LDC

(*(P) – existing Scottish Dental Practice Committee (SDPC) policy)

Passed by conference by majority 
Passed by SDPC

8. Silver Diamine Fluoride Allowance

This Conference calls for an allowance for practices (through a specific enhanced minimally invasive code for paediatric dentistry) to purchase silver diamine fluoride for use on children with multiple carious teeth to try and prevent the need for future extraction under general anaesthetic

Greater Glasgow & Clyde LDC

Passed by conference by majority 
Passed by SDPC

9. Centres for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

We call on Scottish Government to develop regional centres for oral and maxillofacial surgery to allow equal access throughout Scotland.

Lanarkshire LDC

Passed by conference by majority 
Passed by SDPC

10. Oral Surgery GDP Training Grant

This Conference calls for a training grant and pathway for GDPs to gain minor oral surgery skills to reduce referrals to secondary care and waiting times for secondary care O.S. treatment.

Greater Glasgow & Clyde LDC

Passed by conference by majority 
Passed by SDPC

11. Dental Amalgam Ban

This Conference demands that the Scottish Government and BDA work together to secure the supply of amalgam and ensure there is no financial impact on dental practices from 1st January 2025, the date from which the European Parliament has voted to ban dental amalgam.

Greater Glasgow & Clyde LDC and Lanarkshire LDC

Passed by conference by majority 
Passed by SDPC

12. Addressing the Shortage of Dental Technicians in Scotland

This Conference calls upon the Scottish Government to take immediate action by supporting additional funding for dental technician trainees and facilitating the creation of more accessible training programs. *(P)

Greater Glasgow & Clyde LDC

(*(P) – existing Scottish Dental Practice Committee (SDPC) policy)

Passed by conference unanimously 
Passed by SDPC

13. Recruitment and Retention

This conference believes that the number of undergraduate dental trainees should be expanded significantly to aid recruitment and retention, particularly in Scottish, NHS practices.

Forth Valley LDC

The wording of the motion was amended and approved by conference 

Passed by conference by majority 
Passed by SDPC

16. DDRB Recommendation*

This conference calls for the DDRB to provide a recommendation for Scotland which will deliver parity throughout the UK on take home pay.

Greater Glasgow & Clyde LDC

*Emergency motion submitted the day prior to conference

Passed by conference by majority 
Passed by SDPC


14. Non-Scottish Dental Schools

This conference calls on Scottish Government to financially support applications to UK dental schools outwith Scotland to avoid disadvantaging Scottish students.

Ayrshire & Arran LDC

Motion failed

15. Dental Nurse Training

We call on Scottish Government to increase the number of funded places for dental nurse training to help with the recruitment crisis. *(P)

Lanarkshire LDC

(*(P) – existing Scottish Dental Practice Committee (SDPC) policy)

Passed by conference unanimously 
Passed by SDPC