2022 Motions
1. Review of NHS Dental Fees
This conference demands that Scottish Government commission an independent review of NHS dental fees to reflect the time required to undertake treatments and related paperwork, the costs of materials and general practice expenses.
Lanarkshire LDC
Passed by conference unanimously
Passed by SDPC by majority
2. Dental Lab Fees
This conference demands that Scottish Government revise the wholly inadequate fee structure for restorative items requiring lab work to enable practices to provide viable treatments and to ensure the survival of local dental labs.
Lanarkshire LDC and Greater Glasgow and Clyde LDC
Passed by conference unanimously
Passed by SDPC unanimously
3. Additional SDR fee for AGP
This conference proposes that should AGP appointments continue that there be the addition of an item in the SDR to cover the additional time it takes to carry out treatment in an AGP compared with the same treatment pre-Covid.
Fife LDC
Passed by conference unanimously
Passed by SDPC by majority
4. Notice for Changes to the SDR/NHS Dental Contracts
This conference demands that 12 weeks’ notice be given of any changes to the SDR or NHS dental contracts.
Greater Glasgow and Clyde LDC
Passed by conference unanimously
Passed by SDPC unanimously
5. Increase Prior Approval Level
This conference demands that Scottish Government commits unequivocally to increase prior approval level in line with item of service fees.
Lanarkshire LDC
The motion wording was amended by conference
The amended motion was passed by conference unanimously
Passed by SDPC unanimously
6. Fee for Patient Referrals with Complex Needs
This conference urges the Scottish Government to introduce a fee for patient referrals particularly patients with complex needs or neurodiversity.
Greater Glasgow and Clyde LDC
Passed by conference unanimously
Passed by SDPC by majority
7. Sessional Basis NHS Funding Model
This conference believes that future NHS dental models should be funded on a sessional basis.
Ayrshire and Arran LDC
Motion was withdrawn at conference
8. Change to GP234 Calculation
This conference demands that NHS commitment be measured on proportion of time spent not income received.
Greater Glasgow and Clyde LDC
Passed by conference by majority
Passed by SDPC unanimously
9. Abolition of 3-month Rule for Treatment Claims
This conference calls for the abolition of the 3-month rule for claiming treatments.
Greater Glasgow and Clyde LDC
Passed by conference unanimously
Passed by SDPC unanimously
10. Removal of GDPA Cap
This Conference proposes the removal of the General Dental Practice Allowance Cap to provide equality for Dental Practices and to ensure viability of larger practices.
Ayrshire and Arran LDC
Passed by conference unanimously
Passed by SDPC unanimously
11. Increase to VT Trainer Allowance
This conference demands that Scottish Government raises the current level of VT trainer allowance to reflect the increased workload required to provide adequate mentoring support and training for recent graduates with limited clinical experience.
Lanarkshire LDC
Passed by conference unanimously
Passed by SDPC unanimously
12. Increase in CPD to 10 Sessions per Year
This conference demands an increase in Continuous Professional Development Allowances to 10 sessions per year.
Greater Glasgow and Clyde LDC
Passed by conference by majority
Passed by SDPC unanimously
13. NHS Recruitment and Retention Crisis
This conference demands that Scottish Government provides concrete support, in the form of funding and incentives, and plans for an increased student intake, to address the recruitment and retention crisis currently affecting all roles within NHS dentistry.
Lanarkshire LDC
Passed by conference unanimously
Passed by SDPC unanimously
14. GDC Assisting DCPs Returning to the Register
This conference demands that the General Dental Council assists DCPs when applying for restoration to the Register with a reasonable adjustment to CPD requirements.
Greater Glasgow and Clyde LDC
Passed by conference unanimously
Passed by SDPC unanimously
15. Dental Hygienist Training
This Conference firmly believes that specific Hygienist training needs to be re-established as a matter of urgency.
Ayrshire and Arran LDC
Passed by conference unanimously
Passed by SDPC unanimously
16. GA Waiting Times
This conference demands that Scottish Government urgently allocates targeted services and resources to address the lengthy waiting times experienced by an unacceptable high number of paediatric and additional or complex patients who can only be treated under GA.
Lanarkshire LDC
The motion wording was amended by conference
The amended motion was passed by conference unanimously
Passed by SDPC unanimously
17. Abolition of Police Report for Immediate Deregistration of Abusive Patients
This conference calls for the abolition of any requirement for a police report for the immediate deregistration of abusive patients.
Greater Glasgow and Clyde LDC
Passed by conference unanimously
Passed by SDPC unanimously
18. Four-Nation IPC Guidance
This conference demands that Scottish Government works with administrations across the four UK nations to implement unified, standard, research-based infection prevention control measures to provide consistent and practical guidelines.
Lanarkshire LDC
Passed by conference by majority
Passed by SDPC unanimously
19. Support for Patients Exceeding Dental Chair Weight
This conference demands a clear referral pathway to managed services for patients who weigh in excess of the maximum weight limit for standard dental chairs (135kg).
Greater Glasgow and Clyde LDC
The motion wording was amended by conference
The amended motion was passed by conference unanimously
Passed by SDPC unanimously
20. Practice Expenses – Emergency Motion
This conference demands Scottish Government provide additional funding to address the significant increase in practices expenses and thus protect the viability of NHS dental practices.
Lanarkshire LDC
Passed by conference unanimously
Passed by SDPC unanimously