Award for Exceptional Service to LDCs and Dentistry in Scotland

Very occasionally an LDC committee member’s service to their LDC is exceptional and deserves formal recognition. While they may not serve for a lifetime, their work and commitment has been significant, and benefits their LDC, the dentists in their area and the wider profession. Conference Agenda Committee recognise that nominations for this award will be rare, as it really is an award to acknowledge truly exceptional service.

If you have an LDC member or a former member who you feel merits this award, please complete the nomination form below and it will be considered by the Conference Agenda Committee.

All nomination forms must be submitted no later than Friday 16 February 2024.

Should you have any specific queries about an Award for Exceptional Service to LDCs and Dentistry in Scotland, please contact Conference Secretary

Your Name(Required)
Name of your Nominee(Required)
Nominee Address (optional)

Please provide a brief summary of activity at LDC, with dates.

Things to think about:

  • details of any outstanding service to LDC,
  • notable achievements
Please provide details of any involvement with other associated committees.
Please provide a brief summary as to why the LDC is nominating this individual for a "Local Dental Committee Lifetime Achievement Award". You have approximately 300 words.
Is the nominee aware of the nomination?(Required)