Motion 5: Consultation re New Financial Model

This Conference requires confirmation from the Chief Dental Officer and Scottish Government that there will be a period of consultation with GDPs, allowing them to feedback their thoughts or concerns, before any new financial plan or replacement/change to the SDR is implemented. [Lanarkshire LDC]


  1. Edward Coote on 21 April 2021 at 9:05 pm

    Having recently treated a Vet and discussed the costs of dental treatment on a pet, which seems to hundreds of pounds for an extraction I am increasingly dumbfounded that we are charging £15(ish) for an XLA

  2. Zahid Ahmad on 23 April 2021 at 11:26 am

    Why do SDPC representing GDPs tolerate this disrespect and why are we not on tv on this???
    SG thinks we are high earners but ignores our nets.
    SDPC is also disappointed in the lack of consultation. If SG is not changing we have to run social media awareness of the implication of changes on the general public

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