
The Scottish Conference of Local Dental Committees welcomes comments from the profession which are pertinent and constructive. We will publish the comments we receive on motions unless they are deemed offensive and we reserve the right to redact content which is fairly judged to be inappropriate. By publishing comments the Committee provides a forum for colleagues but does not condone or support any of the statements made.

Rachel Byrne

Motion 1: Communication and Dissemination of Information

The Chief Dental Officer, PSD and other relevant bodies must recognise that the dental profession requires timely, direct, accessible and clear communication and guidance delivered through appropriate channels and that it is easily understood. [Ayrshire & Arran/Lanarkshire LDCs]

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David Core

Motion 2: PPE

This Conference calls on the Scottish Government to extend appropriate PPE supply to GDPs past the proposed end date of June 2021. [Lanarkshire LDC]

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Donald Morrison

Motion 3: Measuring Activity

This Conference demands that the 8,000 codes are included as a principal measure of dental practice activity. [Ayrshire & Arran LDC]

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Naomi Byrne

Motion 4: Stabilising Restorations Code

This Conference proposes that a stabilising fillings code is made available to allow practitioners to record their activity and be remunerated accordingly. [Greater Glasgow & Clyde LDC]

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Kevin Clark

Motion 5: Consultation re New Financial Model

This Conference requires confirmation from the Chief Dental Officer and Scottish Government that there will be a period of consultation with GDPs, allowing them to feedback their thoughts or concerns, before any new financial plan or replacement/change to the SDR is implemented. [Lanarkshire LDC]

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Kenny McDonald

Motion 6: Scottish Government Oral Health Improvement Plan – Design Groups

This Conference proposes that the new post pandemic model of care is realistically funded to ensure the viability of NHS dental practices and enable access to oral health care for all. [Greater Glasgow & Clyde LDC]

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Arabella Yelland

Motion 7: Consultation re future Chief Dental Officer

This Conference demands the dental profession have input into the selection of any future Chief Dental Officer. [Ayrshire & Arran LDC]

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Stuart Fullerton

Motion 8: Sustainability

This Conference urges Scottish Government to aid GDPs in facilitating more environmentally sustainable practices. We ask Scottish Government to review infection control guidelines post COVID-19 with a view to becoming more pragmatic and evidence based on the need for single use items and PPE, and to provide funds to encourage purchase of re-usable alternatives when…

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Donald Morrison

Motion 9: Chief Dental Officer Length of Post

This Conference demands a maximum term of office for the post of (any future) Chief Dental Officer. [Ayrshire & Arran LDC]

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Simon Kidd

Motion 10: Opt-Out of LDC Levy

This Conference proposes that Scottish Government convert the mechanism for LDC voluntary levies into an ‘opt-out’ scheme. [Greater Glasgow & Clyde LDC]

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Motion 11: Lengthy Waiting Times for Paediatric Extraction under GA

This Conference demands that Scottish Government address the urgent issue of lengthy waiting times for paediatric surgery by providing more funding and resources to enable children to be treated in a timely manner. [Greater Glasgow & Clyde LDC]

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Hazel Hannigan

Motion 12: Pregnant Dentists

This Conference calls on the Chief Dental Officer and Scottish Government to provide clear guidance for both employed and self-employed dental staff in relation to working whilst pregnant, particularly in relation to AGPs. [Lanarkshire LDC]

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Philip Larmour

Motion 13: Practice Adminstration

This Conference proposes that the new model of care considers the time taken for practice administration. [Greater Glasgow & Clyde LDC]

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John ONeill

Motion 14: Dental Hygienist Training

This Conference proposes that the Scottish Dental Schools reintroduce the training of Dental Hygienists. [Fife LDC]

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Edward Coote

Motion 15: Committee Structure and Inclusion of DCPs

This Conference supports the inclusion of dental care professionals into the committee structures of Scotland. [Ayrshire & Arran LDC]

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Jacqui Kennedy

Motion 16: Limit of Registration Period

This Conference believes that in order to encourage engagement and motivate patients’ self-responsibility in their oral health the time period of registration should be limited. [Greater Glasgow & Clyde LDC]

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Edward Coote

Motion 17: Dental Nurse Pensions

This Conference calls for the inclusion of dental nurses into the NHS pension scheme. [Ayrshire & Arran LDC]

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Anita Belbin

Motion 18: Care Home Residents

This Conference proposes that the oral health of care home residents needs to be urgently addressed. Screening for oral cancer and dental disease should be resumed and the Caring for Smiles initiative reinstated. [Greater Glasgow & Clyde LDC]

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John Hyland

Motion 19: VDP CPDA

This Conference calls on the Chief Dental Officer and Scottish Government to increase the CPDA from 6 to 12 sessions for the next year for any GDPs who completed VT in the 19/20 scheme. [Lanarkshire LDC]

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Arabella Yelland

Motion 20: VDP Training Practices

This Conference demands VT practices to be rebranded as “enhanced training practices” with a postgraduate learning status in collaboration with a university. [Ayrshire & Arran LDC]

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Helen Dennison

Motion 21: Vexatious Patient Behaviour

This Conference calls on the Scottish Government to put in place a clear and rapid pathway that allows GDPs to refer patients who are engaging in behaviour that is unacceptable in the dental practice. We seek a model whereby we can protect our dental team. [Greater Glasgow & Clyde LDC]

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Graeme Marshall

Motion 22: Quality Improvement (Clinical Audit)

This Conference demands that the mandatory requirement to undertake audit, SEA and QI be taken out of the GDS regulations and left as a voluntary requirement for GDPs to facilitate improvements in patient care. [Greater Glasgow & Clyde LDC]

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Kenny McDonald

Motion 23: GDS funding 21/22

Given the recent manifest pledge by the SNP to abolish patient charges for NHS treatment without prior consultation with the profession, this conference demands a clear and unambiguous guarantee that Scottish Government will put £431m into GDS 21/22 [Greater Glasgow and Clyde ]

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